Robert Horvath
Artist | Musician | Designer | Photographer
I have always been curious when it came to creativity and the tools needed to accomplish the task. From learning to how to connect stereo systems to recorders and microphones, to cameras and computers. I don’t remember if I was a musician first or artist, but the worlds have coexisted my entire life.
Formally trained in design and fine arts, I moved past college wanting to explore other medias and making a living doing what my passions called me to… and this time around it was landscape design. With love and ambition I worked at both the physical application and delved into the horticulture, while at the same time continuing my craft of drafting, drawing, color and design. The complexity of landscape design kept me going until the back wouldn’t allow me to do so anymore. Which led me to computers.

I used computers to manage my business, setting up spreadsheets, designing marketing materials to managing payroll and plant inventory. The internet was new and web design wasn’t even on the radar. but there was plenty to explore with Photoshop and Illustrator. So when I closed my landscape design build company and
Things about me
All of my life I have been passionate about Art and Music, even from a young age. It seemed to pull me from one side to the other, but I never gave either one of them up. I would use my art skills, graphics and love for technology to support my music pursuits. Music was mostly about writing and performing, so when I had my guitar or bass in hand, it was all about expression. However, when I started working with computers, the left and right sides of my brain were connected and that is where the Creative Tech started to bridge my multi-passionate worlds.