Robert Horvath


Creative Tech

Artist | Musician | Designer | Photographer

Hello and welcome to my online portfolio. I wear many hats likes most creatives and this site is comprised of years of creative living and learning.

Inside are sections of my various passions. I love technology and have always looked to bridge my left and right.

Things about me

So Hard to Choose Just One…

All of my life I have been passionate about Art and Music, even from a young age. It seemed to pull me from one side to the other, but I never gave either one of them up. I would use my art skills, graphics and love for technology to support my music pursuits. Music was mostly about writing and performing, so when I had my guitar or bass in hand, it was all about expression. However, when I started working with computers, the left and right sides of my brain were connected and that is where the Creative Tech started to bridge my multi-passionate worlds. 


Artist portraiture, landscapes and abstracts. Commercial and product photography and editing for web, print and editorial.
View Gallery >

Graphic Design

Over 20 years experience in commercial graphic design for print for non-profits, small business, corporate and individuals.
View Portfolio >

Voice Over

Conversational, sincere, warm and deep male voice; smooth, professional and friendly for presentations, elearning, telecom and psa.
Listen to Demo >


Vocals, acoustic guitar and bass for original performances and covers. Private instruction and studio sessions. Audio editing and recording.
Listen to performances >

Creative BLOG

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